Karen has been doing a great job keeping the blog going while I have been busy with field work, but this is something that I wanted to share myself. My grandmother took a picture of me at 4.5 months (upper pic) and my mom took a picture of Elena recently at the same age.

The likeness is overwhelming. Here is a list I have compiled (feel free to add your own as well):
Eyes crossed...Check.
Scarcely any hair...Check.
Drool dripping from the chin...Check.
Poor, poor child. I was really hoping for her sake that Karen had more dominant genes than me. She does show some promise, however, as she isn't sticking her tongue out and doesn't feel the need to cover up her bare cranium with goofy headgear!
Holy Cow those eyes are blue. She's definitely a cutie. You've given the viewership a great set of pics for comparison. This is Matt