Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Streak Continues

Marcus scored a goal in every soccer game last spring. He is  hoping to keep that streak alive. Today he waited until there were sixteen seconds left in the game to make it happen. He was so excited because he didn't think it was going to happen.

Friday, September 13, 2019

The Favorite Child

The other night as we were having dinner we were discussing what we would do if we were super-rich. Karen opted for a private jet. Elena wanted a mansion that would house her parents.

Then Marcus chimed in. He asked if he had a mansion 1/4 mile wide and let Karen live there if he would still be her favorite child. Nobody missed his comment.

It's good to be the Mom's baby...

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Goodbye Summer

We decided to have a couple of last water playdays before fall really sets in. Last weekend we went to Lake Lowell. There's a toxic algae warning out for the lake, but the bloom is over. We pretty much had the place to ourselves.
 Marcus, Luis and I tried a bit of fishing but didn't do very well during the middle of the day.
We went to the cabin for Labor Day Weekend. We may never do that again. Waaay too many humans!

Our neighbor Bruce is almost done with his garage. He's been working on it for two summers. Here is Elena posing in front of it. 
We went over to the Macks' cabin on the lake for the day on Saturday. The kids loved playing in the water. Marcus was all about sand castles and aquatic weeds.
 Here he is with his buddy Escher.
Here is a photo of all four kids. Marcus is busy working on his sand castle while Elena perfects her guzzling skills in preparation for her college days. 
There won't be many more days this year that we will be sitting in the water and shielding ourselves from the sun. Summer 2019 has been a good one!