Friday, April 5, 2013

Little Slugger

 We've been trying to take advantage of the warmer days and spend more time outside. Sprout got a t-ball set for Christmas and this has been the perfect opportunity to try it out. She does display a bit of aptitude for t-ball, more so than swimming. At least she has fun.
 While Sprout is having fun, Marcus spends his time chilling in the swing. He plays on the grass a little, but is interested in eating leaves more than anything. There will be a more extensive Marcus update later this week when our baby hits the 10 month mark.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Hippity Hoppity

We started the Easter weekend by going to our first official Easter egg hunt. Ste. Chapelle was hosting a chocolate & wine tasting, with several Easter egg hunts during the afternoon to keep the kiddos entertained.
 Lisa and I arrived a little bit before one of the scheduled egg hunts. We got the first of our wine samples & chocolate (side note the lemon white chocolate with lavendar is fabulous), popcorn for the kids, and were ready for the egg hunt. Two minutes before the start, Sprout decided that she needed to go potty. I took her to the bathroom and we were finished about the same time the egg hunt concluded.
 One hour, several wine samples, and a bag of popcorn later, we were pottied and ready for the next hunt. Sprout ended up with this haul- four eggs filled with jelly beans and chocolate.
The cousins enjoyed the sugar rush of high fructose corn syrup while the mommies enjoyed a hibiscus mimosa and more refined chocolate (also fabulous).

I think we may have had too many samples of wine, because then we decided that it would be a good idea to dye eggs. We have an abundance of eggs in our household, but my mainly brown and green eggs aren't the best for dying. The kids did a good job and there were't any messes that soft scrub couldn't take care of.

We spend Easter morning at Nana & Papa's house. Elena enjoyed the plush toys and candy, while Marcus enjoyed the Easter grass.
Sprout had a great time picking up eggs with no competition. We didn't count the eggs before hiding them, so the dog may be getting a treat later this week.
Marcus was more interested in the grass and could care less about the candy-filled eggs. Happy (belated) Easter to everyone.