Monday, October 31, 2011

Bean Family Hunting trip

Last weekend, the entire Bean family went camping/deer hunting. Actually, Karen, Dad and I went hunting and Mom and Kory watched Elena. Elena finally decided that uncle Kory isn't the devil. She even offered to share her "slightly" chewed chicken with him.My parents just purchased a 26' Nash travel trailer, so we decided to test it out. It was really nice to have a warm place to stretch out our legs. I haven't actually taken any pictures of it yet, but you can see part of it in the picture above.

Now I must admit that I tend to leave out a few details about the pain and suffering involved with hunting trips in order to entice Karen into join me. If I were to tell her that we will be riding a horse in the freezing darkness for over an hour, then sitting on a cold, windy ridge for a while before hiking until our legs get numb, she might not go. Instead, I tell her about how many deer I generally see each day. She has been along enough times to know better, but she still pretends to believe my lies.

On Friday evening, Karen and I set out to spot a deer. We rode the horses for about an hour before we tied them up and started hiking. We made it about 50 yards from the horses when she said, "I don't see any deer." We ended up hiking around all evening and about 4 hours the next morning before we spotted a buck. Karen and Dad both ended up getting bucks, but it was a very, very long day. The expression on Rat's face pretty much sums it up.I think this is the first time our entire family has been camping since I was in high school. I'm hopeful that will change in the future.


This evening we took Miss Ladybug out on the town for Haloween. We got a late start because Karen and I both worked today. Elena was pretty tired because she spent her first day at a new day care, but she was a trooper for the most part. Here she is being shy with her great grandpa.After making a few stops, we had pizza with the Macks. There we learned that Elena hates halos (the devil-child is Zarek). Overall it was a pretty low-key holiday. Next year we look forward to visiting a pumpkin patch and making some jack-o-lanterns.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Making Music

Earlier this week Sprout was trying to play the piano. Normally she stands on the floor and reaches up to play. Next thing I knew, she pushed her little stool up to the piano bench and was sitting on the bench playing. She is still working on the basics, but appeared to be having fun.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Yesterday Grandpa Les stopped by while Sprout was eating breakfast. Apparently she wasn't ready for company that early in the morning. She ate her entire breakfast with her arm over her eyes.

It's been almost two weeks since she had her cast removed, and, as the doctor indicated, life is returning to normal. Sprout started walking short distances on Friday. Here she is "reading" the newspaper.

Since she missed out on the summer swimming season, we plan to head over to Given's Hot Springs later today.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Goodbye Cast

Yesterday was a big day for us- Sprout got her cast off. It's been a long 12 weeks, but it was nice to see it go. Here is a picture of the cast getting cut off.
Here is the cast in the garbage.
Sprout had an x-ray done yesterday and her hips are in place. She'll be getting a brace later this week. She is suppose to wear it almost continually for the next 2 weeks, then she'll wear it 16 hours a day.
Her legs are still a little stiff- which is to be expected. I tried to put pants on her today but she doesn't like her legs adducted while she gets dressed, so dresses it will be for the next few days.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Hunting Preparation

With the month of October starting, I officially begin my stint as a hunting widow. Barry has at least 4 big game hunts planned that I know of, and I'm sure there are a few more "last minute" ones. This doesn't include chukar, goose, duck hunting, or fishing.

Barry and Matt left yesterday for opening day of Matt's elk hunt. The hunters haven't made it home yet, but word is that Matt was successful and they'll be home tomorrow for dinner with dinner. In preparation for the hunting trips, Barry froze breakfast burritos to be reheated at camp. This is a picture of the burrito assembly line.
While he worked in the kitchen, Sprout was hanging out with her Girf. She has taken to "standing" in her cast. She's using the table for support below, but she also tackles the hands free attempt. This usually ends in a turtle position.
On a side note, Sprout will be cast free on Monday! I think we'll celebrate by letting her play in the dirt, followed by her first real bath in 3 months.