Thursday, January 10, 2019


I do quite a bit of the grocery shopping for our family. Karen always makes a meticulous list and I always manage to screw it up somehow. Anyway, I've been trained to get exactly what is on the list.
The most recent list called for 15 cucumbers. I thought it was odd, but we had plans to attend a New Year's Eve party, so I figures it must have had something to do with that. Nope. Elena opened up the grocery list on the computer and decided to mess with me. She was pretty proud of herself when I showed up with 15 fricking cucumbers!

Cabin Ski Trip

We went for our second cabin ski trip of the year last weekend. Here is the view from our deck.

I spent most of my time skiing with Marcus. He is doing much better compared to last year and has even started messing around on the bumps and jumps on the edges of the runs.
 The snow wasn't great on Saturday, but Sunday we woke up to fresh powder. I rallied the troops and we had an awesome day on Sunday.
 Here is Marcus taking off without me.
 Once I caught up to him I managed to get an action shot
 Everyone was smiling on the powder day! Elena and Karen took a lesson and even wanted to ski more afterward.