Here is Barry riding Rat with Clyde in the background. You may notice that my horse doesn't have a bridle on, and that's because I'm climbing astronomical amounts of altitude with Sprout. Notice there's no pictures of us because I looked like I needed an AED.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
The "Alpine" Lake
We spent last Saturday camping with some friends and riding into the unmentionable Alpine Lake. If you're really curious which lake it is just ask me because I'll tell you. Barry is convinced that the readership on our blog is so large that everyone will be flocking to this lake. Of course by the time I get done documenting the trip you may decide that it's not worth it and your time is better spent elsewhere.
Here is Barry riding Rat with Clyde in the background. You may notice that my horse doesn't have a bridle on, and that's because I'm climbing astronomical amounts of altitude with Sprout. Notice there's no pictures of us because I looked like I needed an AED.
I was pleased when we reached the other horses, after hours of hiking and I do mean hours. Of course there's no picture of my pleasure because it was short lived. It only took a moment for me to realize that the lake was still frozen. So just to recap for you, I spent hours hiking to a frozen lake. There were a few choice words said that I won't print because they aren't appropriate for our readership.
Despite the frozen lake Darwin, Mike and Louise all caught some great trout.
Here Darwin is busy cleaning fish and preparing for the fish fry. I'm not a fan of trout, but this is a great way to eat them. Darwin cleans all the fish, cooks the fish, and provides all the fixings for fish sandwiches, even the salt. Not only that, but Darwin is a constant source on entertainment and we got to relive this hunting trip among other adventures.
Sprout seemed to enjoy her time spent at the lake.
And I did too. It was a great way to spend the day, even if the lake was frozen. We had an awesome time and we're glad that Darwin & Sharon invited us along.
Here is Barry riding Rat with Clyde in the background. You may notice that my horse doesn't have a bridle on, and that's because I'm climbing astronomical amounts of altitude with Sprout. Notice there's no pictures of us because I looked like I needed an AED.
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