Barry has been slacking in the blogging community, so lax that he hasn't even posted about his last 3 fishing trips. It's been way too long since cute baby pictures were posted, so I decided to put up a few of the most recent ones. Elena has recently discovered the joys of her "Supersaucer", courtesy of friends Mike & Laura.
It's also known as sensory overload, with all its bright colors and noise makers.

Barry's personal favorite is the rolling rattle on the left side. He especially likes to spin it and watch Elena's near epileptic type response, usually goes something like this-- Barry spins rattle. Elena has massive startle response with flailing arms and wide eyes. Barry laughing so hard he's crying. Repeat.
I think that this is acutally more entertaining for him than the baby.
You forgot to mention the 2-second delay between the noise and her "seizure". This is a game that will never get old!!!