Barry celebrated his first Father's day on Sunday. It started off by Barry waking up early with Elena while I was raking hay for my dad. I would like to add that he considered it waking up early, while I felt that it was sleeping in. When I got home, I made Barry breakfast. Because of a little oversight on my part, he didn't get his favorite meal and had to settle for bacon and eggs. Later in the morning he went over to his parents' and helped with their horses. We had a BBQ in the evening and got rained out. This is during the height of the down pour.

Here his Barry with Elena during a break in the storm.

And his new baby...
Elena decided that Barry must be an ok dad and got him a Beeman pellet gun that he'd been eyeing. I think she's starting to become a little jealous of the time he's been spending with this new toy.

Hope that all the dads out there had an equally enjoyable day.
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