Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Meet Marcus!

Marcus decided to show up this morning on his due date, which also happens to be D-Day. The labor seemed to take place at about the same pace that the allied soldiers stormed the beach at Normandy, but at just over 1.5 hours, it was shorter than most reenactments of the attack. I was still filling out paperwork when I overheard the nurse say, "Don't push, I'm getting the doctor!"

Marcus weighed 8 lbs 3 oz and is 21 inches long. He has dark hair and sleeps a lot. Everyone checked out fine, and we are home about 11 hours after leaving the house this morning. I'm proud to say that we were much more organized for Marcus' birth than we were last time - we even took baby clothes and a car seat with us.
Here is a picture of Marcus undergoing the waterboarding procedure - at least that's what he seemed to think of it. I will post more pictures and provide updates later, but for now I need a nap.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah wow what a handsome boy what is his full name and Karen looks great, you did a good job mama!!!!
