The great remodel of 2011 has picked up the pace in the last couple of weeks. Things are actually getting done, and we have proof of this. Below is a picture of the washer and dryer. I've only had this set a week, but I'm in love.

The cabinets and counter top are now installed. We still need baseboards, trim paint, sink hooked up, and outlets. The carpet is scheduled for installation on July 6.

As for the contest, you people must really know what procrastinators we are. Our friend Jessica was over on Monday and was giving Barry a little grief about his "two month project". As of now
Lisa - August 6
Mary- Aug 27
Matt- Sept 1
Marlene- Oct 1
Amber- Nov 1
Any other takers? Post here or let one of us know by Friday.
Matt & Mary --move over--the remodel will be closer to your date, especially with Sprout's surgery, as Barry will be "hiding" in the basement to evade her unhappiness.