Now that Holiday festivities are winding down, I finally have time to catch up on the blog. We kicked things off Christmas Eve with dinner and present-opening at my parents' house. I was too busy gorging myself at dinner to get any pics, but we got a few while opening presents. As you can see, my dad was pretty psyched about his "splendid" present. If you don't get the reference, click on the picture to enlarge it.

Everyone else seemed to have a good time as well.

Isha waits patiently for her present.

Karen's Christmas present this year was a new car. Being a 2-door, her old car is not very family-friendly. So she got a Subaru Outback.

I must have been good this year, because Karen got me a rolling toolbox and welded me some book ends with fish on them. Can you think of anyone else who got a hand-welded Christmas present from their wife? I don't think so!

We spent Christmas Day evening with Karen's parents and grandpa. We enjoyed dinner, football, and more presents.

I missed Christmas Part III because I was sick. Here is a pic of the niece and neph actually posing for the camera.

Now for the stockings...
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