Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Best Christmas Tree Ever

We looked far and wide for our Christmas tree this year. This could be the best Christmas tree in the history of man.
With the remodel going on, we gave up on having a big tree this year. We will plant this tree at our cabin in the spring so we can continue to enjoy the best Christmas tree ever!

The Home Stretch

While our kitchen isn't complete, it is functional just in time for Christmas! We may still have holes in the ceiling, but tonight we washed dishes. In a dishwasher! I told Karen that I've never been so happy to mop a floor in my life.

FYI - The colors look a bit goofy in this picture because I took it at night. 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Christmas Dance Recital

Last week, Elena had a Christmas dance recital. I discovered that I have some things to learn about taking pictures of dance performances. Here is the only decent picture I got.
While my photography sucked, Elena had a great time. Apparently she's not old enough to get nervous, which was good.  Here is the best quality video I was able to get. Elena's dance partner sucked but you get the idea. She is the short one right of center.

She did much better in this dance, but the video quality is horrible. Elena is the third white blob from the left.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

It Continues...

The kitchen remodel saga continues. On the way home from school, Elena asked me where we were going to eat tonight. When I replied "Home," she was shocked.  Our friends and family have been so great over the last month!

Today the cabinets were delivered. By this time next week our home should start to look liveable again. Here is the latest time-lapse video.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Eating at the Little Kids' Table

Around here, it's literal. It is the only relatively clean, elevated horizontal surface in our home right now. And probably for the next two weeks...

We're now over three weeks into the remodel saga. I never thought I would be so happy to see clumps of drywall mud all over the floor!

I'm working on a time-lapse video, but our internet service has been crap for over a week now and I'm psyched just to be able to post photos. They taped the drywall today. Our main living areas are the doorways on the left and center of the photo, so we've been tracking this mess all over the rest of the house. It's awesome!