Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas
We had a wonderful Christmas this year. We started the holiday weekend by watching football yesterday afternoon. Then we to my parents for family dinner and opening gifts. The gift opening was a bit of sensory overload, but was manageable. There were a few timeouts for some clean-up midway though.
Elena really enjoyed opening presents. The wrapping paper and bows were fascinating for her.
Elena opening her new coloring set.
She even opened gifts that didn't belong to her.
My dad hiding in the corner.
Grandpa and all of the kids.
We had a easy going day today. Went to brunch at my Aunt Max's house and then watched more football and enjoyed some leftovers for dinner tonight. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Cookie Monster
Last night we made sugar cookies and decorated them. Sprout helped Barry with the sprinkles on the cookies. She seemed to think that this was a fine way to spend the evening.
She later decided that eating cookies is more fun than decorating them. Since then, there have been plenty of requests for "cookies, please". And "more, more please".
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Santa at the Orchard House
This evening we met up with the Macks to visit Santa at the Orchard House, a local restaurant. The OH put together a great light display around the restaurant.
This time Elena was happier to see Santa, but still refused to speak to him or take any candy from him.
Our visit was short and sweet, as Elena fell down one too many times and decided that it was time to go home. It was pretty much all downhill after the inflatable donkey in the Jesus display bucked her off.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Elena's First Hair Cut
Now that Elena is pushing the age of two, we decided that it was time for her to get her first hair cut. Yesterday I took her to Jessica's after work. Jessica suggested that I bring and envelope to store her hair for our baby book. Below is a picture of about 80% of the hair Jessica cut off. Something tells me that Locks of Love won't be asking for donations any time soon...
Sunday, December 11, 2011
All I want for Christmas
Barry originally told me that he didn't want anything for Christmas, citing his awesome hunting and fishing year as gift enough. A couple of days later he dropped a few hints about a GPS collar, rifle scope, and maybe a new gun.
The events of this weekend made it clear what he'll be getting under the tree. The fridge in the house quit working. We have 3 refrigerators and of course it's the one we really need and use that gave it up. When I first discovered that the fridge wasn't working, Barry wouldn't believe me. For some reason the melting ice cream and warm milk wasn't enough proof. Finally I made him call Luis, who told him to feel the compressor. Was it cold? Yup. Time to go shopping. Our new Fridgidaire is going to be delivered on Tuesday.
The events of this weekend made it clear what he'll be getting under the tree. The fridge in the house quit working. We have 3 refrigerators and of course it's the one we really need and use that gave it up. When I first discovered that the fridge wasn't working, Barry wouldn't believe me. For some reason the melting ice cream and warm milk wasn't enough proof. Finally I made him call Luis, who told him to feel the compressor. Was it cold? Yup. Time to go shopping. Our new Fridgidaire is going to be delivered on Tuesday.
Hip Dysplasia Update
Elena went to the doctor last week for her first check-up after her cast was removed. Her doctor examined her hips and did an x-ray.
He thinks that her hips are in place, but they are still dysplastic. Meaning that the socket isn't growing around the ball of the hip. For now, she'll continue to wear her brace 16 hours a day and we'll go back in 3 months and repeat the x-ray.
We're cautiously optimistic that things will start to improve without further intervention.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
In Search of a Christmas Tree
Today we ventured into the mountains for our fourth annual Christmas tree hunt. This is a tradition that started when the Dare and Hebdon families invited us along four years ago. There are a few traditions one must adhere to when looking for a Christmas tree. First, it requires a white-knuckle drive on snowy roads. Today we nearly got stuck crossing a frozen creek and had a few tense moments driving up a canyon. The other traditions include playing in the snow, taking a self-portrait, eating greasy food, and (starting last year) soaking in a hot spring. Here I am pulling Elena around in her new sled. Karen had little confidence that we would find any snow, and joked about how we were going to get a picture of Elena in her new sled even if we had to drag her across cheatgrass to do it. Elena is also sporting her new snowsuit, compliments of the Dares. We were thankful to have the snowsuit because it was very brisk today.
Finding the perfect tree for Goldilocks is not an easy task. I found the perfect tree, but it was too tall (like 20 ft). The next one was too skinny... However, we did manage to find this fine specimen. Once we get it decorated we'll post more pics.
We enjoyed some scenery along the way...

...and took our self-portrait. This year we cheated and used a tripod.
Afterward we visited a hot spring and followed it up with some greasy food. I had fish and chips while Karen had finger steaks. While at the restaurant, Santa visited us at our table. This particular Santa was kind of loud and Sprout wasn't impressed. She pulled off her best stink-eye glare yet. Karen and I were laughing so hard we nearly cried. I hope Elena likes coal, because I think that is what she will be finding in her stocking this year.
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