On Saturday morning, Elena had insomnia after the BIG BLOWOUT at 4 am. I decided to take her for a walk in the stroller once daylight rolled around, and we found some huckleberries. After breakfast we headed back up there with my parents to pick a few. Elena was pretty good at picking the berries and even shared some with Pops. Here they are enjoying a few berries in the shade.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Barton Family Camping Trip
This weekend I took Elena camping for the annual Barton family reunion while Karen went to Hailey with her sister. We had a great time visiting with relatives and even met a few that I didn't know.
On Saturday morning, Elena had insomnia after the BIG BLOWOUT at 4 am. I decided to take her for a walk in the stroller once daylight rolled around, and we found some huckleberries. After breakfast we headed back up there with my parents to pick a few. Elena was pretty good at picking the berries and even shared some with Pops. Here they are enjoying a few berries in the shade.
Her is a picture of the two of us hanging out around the campfire. I had to post this picture because it is the only evidence that I was actually there.
Here is a picture of Elena's GGG aunt Louise. At 91, she still gets around great. Also pictured is Eugenia, who is married to Louise's son Phil.
Trying to keep up with Dad all weekend was a little hard on Elena, so she decided to catch a snooze while I packed up to head home.
On Saturday morning, Elena had insomnia after the BIG BLOWOUT at 4 am. I decided to take her for a walk in the stroller once daylight rolled around, and we found some huckleberries. After breakfast we headed back up there with my parents to pick a few. Elena was pretty good at picking the berries and even shared some with Pops. Here they are enjoying a few berries in the shade.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
New Cast
Today Sprout went in for her cast change. Everything went well. The doctor changed the angle of her legs in the cast, which should be more comfortable for her. She also got a good scrub while she was in surgery. She is still rocking a purple cast and we are on the countdown- six more weeks to go.
18 months
Sprout is now 18 months old. It is getting more difficult to get a picture with her and puppy. She is getting adjusted to her cast, enjoys playing in the rocks and grass, her dog Skippy, and still eats most fruits and veggies.
She misses bath time, running around, and is still waiting for some teeth and hair.
Sprout has started making goofy faces on request, so I had to add this picture to Karen's post.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Uninvited guest
We went to Featherville for the weekend and we were a little surprised to see a new addition to our flock when we got home. Barry thought that this rooster may have wandered over from next door, but he didn't belong to the neighbor. Then we thought my dad may have something to do with his arrival, but he says no.
So we have no idea where this mystery chicken appeared from. On a side note, Barry was wondering who was interested in joining us for enchiladas on Sunday?
Sleeping Beauty
I've had a lot of people ask me what position Elena sleeps in since she has been in her cast. So I decided to take a few pictures and show everyone.
We've been using the infant position wedge to help keep her at an incline.
We then tuck her sleep sacks under her legs and she proceeds to yank them out during her nap.
She also has her two closest companions- Girf and Puppy nearby.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Happy Brthiday Lisa!
Last night we celebrated Lisa's birthday. Here is a picture of Lisa (part of her anyway) with her cake. The kids put the candles on it for her (look closely).
Alex and Katie enjoyed playing in the pool for hours.
When we ate dinner, Alex made a big show of how disgusting broccoli is. While he was busy retching and making faces, Sprout reached over, stole the remainder of his broccoli and chowed down.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Remodel Update
We still have a little bit of work to do before the great remodel of 2011 is complete. As of now we still need to install a few more outlets, finish up the furnace (almost done), and paint the trim in the utility room. Barry and I both hate to paint, so this may be on the list a long time.
Golfing & Cherry Picking
We've been a little behind in posting pictures, so hopefully we can get a little caught up over the next few days. Last week before Barry was home from his trip, my sister took Sprout for the day so that I could have a play day. I went to the golf course with my parents- we had a great time.
Sprout went to Hammett and spent the day picking cherries with Mama Sanchez, affectionately known as Tita. Sprout in turn is affectionately known as her "little turtle".
Sprout is having a good time picking and eating cherries.
A picture of Alex, Katie, and Sprout.
She ate lots and lots of cherries. Let's just say the aftermath wasn't so happy.

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