Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Play Time
Not much new is going on here. We are continuing to work on the time-suck of a remodel project that keeps getting more and more complicated (sigh). I'd post pictures, but there hasn't been that much progress. Besides, the plumbing in the crawl space isn't that exciting. Here are a few pictures of Elena playing with her toys.
She really enjoys playing with this one.

Elena is doing better with standing and balance. She's not quite ready to start walking, but getting closer every day.
Eleven Months
Here is Elena and puppy in their monthly picture. As you can see it's getting harder to get a picture of the two of them.

I don't think we ended up with a good picture, but these are a few of the better ones.
Elena enjoys playing with her toys, bath time, and exploring her surroundings. She's decided that orange food isn't that bad, is starting to get a little more hair, and still gums all her food.

Sunday, January 16, 2011
Order Now
If you're interested in a horseshoe napkin holder. Below are the pictures documenting the project. More accurately, it was an excuse for a welding project. Dad is the visionary on the team, as well as supervisor.
I hadn't done any welding for over a year, and Dad didn't fail to mention that I was "a little rusty".

Barry working on cleaning up.
Sprout joined in on the day and spent some time hanging out with Grandpa Les.
So, feel free to place your order with Barry if you're interested in owning a handcrafted napkin holder. Expected delivery is 6-12 months.
Oh Hello, We Have a Blog
.....uh, apparently.
We've been a little wrapped up in the remodeling project, so things on the blog front have been a bit neglected. Hopefully, we'll get everything updated over the holiday weekend.
Here is the remodel update. Below are a couple pictures of the before. Going down the stairs.
Previous entry way.
Now we get to the after. As in after the destruction. Here, Harold and Dad are working on the stairs.
I'm not sure if jackhammers should be allowed inside the house. But I guess it's the only way to get through concrete walls.

What a mess (sigh).
There is a little more to go before the constructing phase takes off. We are sporting some new stairs, including a wider staircase. It doesn't look like much, but believe me, it's totally awesome. Barry is missing in the pictures, but he's been apart of it all. Overall, it's been a productive weekend.

We've been a little wrapped up in the remodeling project, so things on the blog front have been a bit neglected. Hopefully, we'll get everything updated over the holiday weekend.
Here is the remodel update. Below are a couple pictures of the before. Going down the stairs.
Friday, January 7, 2011
New Trick
Elena is learning to stalk the elusive floppy dog ear. A successful hunt requires stealth, bait, and a little patience... She has found that rapid-fire baiting causes confusion between the dogs, and occasionally one of them gets greedy and ventures too close. That is when she strikes. Alternatively, she hold the bait out in one hand (in this case a toasted cheese sandwich), then when a dog reaches for the bait she comes over the top with her opposite hand with ninja-like agility.
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