So this year Karen asked me to build some raised beds for our garden. You may have seen the
blackberry trellis I built. I priced out materials...and discovered that redwood or Trex would be equivalent to a couple of rifle scopes, a new shotgun, and a steelhead rod (not that I really have use for these types of items now anyway). So I headed out to the junk pile to see what I could scrounge up for free. Shelving. Lots of shelving. A little more effort, but I figured I could save some cash and reuse/recycle at the same time.

So I start cutting and welding. LOTS of cutting and welding. I pass on a fly fishing trip. No time for turkey hunting. My horses stare longingly as I make trips back and forth to the junk pile to get more supplies. Spring is upon us and we need to plant now!
You may have noticed that the shelving pieces are painted. Paint burns when you weld it. I'll spare you the gory details, but I'm pretty sure I have black lung now. And lead poisoning.

After weeks of cutting, welding, grinding, and coughing up lead, I have completed 2.33 raised beds (we're hoping for six total). Here are Karen and Elena posing in front of my first masterpiece. The PVC hoops will hold up the plastic or chicken-proof netting.

Here is garden bed #1 installed, planted with spring crops, and ready to rock.